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“ 因为衰败所以逃离,因为逃离所以衰败” - 陈锦彬个展 “Omega与(反)衰败图集” 后记

2022年4月Northing推出艺术家陈锦彬的个展 “Omega与(反)衰败图集” 。展览空间Northing位于卑尔根市中心的Vågsbunnen街区,一条建于中世纪,如今遍布独立书店,现代画廊,音乐空间的狭长街道。这条街道在平衡古旧衰败与未来创新的同时,也巧合地揭示着展览主题——一场在过去和未来时空间摇曳的末日(反)衰败图景。它柔软,晦涩,暧昧不明。在这个崩塌似乎不可避免的世界里,展览重新洗牌身份性别的卡片以唤起可能的未来。 —— 余悦
Northing presents artist Chen Jinbin's solo exhibition "Omega and (Anti-) Decay Atlas" in spring 2022. The exhibition space is located in the Vågsbunnen, a narrow street in the city center of Bergen, that dates back to the Middle Ages and now fills with independent bookshops, art galleries, and live houses. This street, striking a wonderful balance between past decay and future innovation, coincidentally reflects the theme of the exhibition: a vision of apocalyptic decay swaying between the past and the future, which is soft, obscure, and ambiguous. In a world where collapse seems inevitable, the exhibition reshuffles identity cards to evoke possible futures.
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